Joel has played guitar for over 20 years, and when he performs, he brings an earthy folk vibe, influenced by his jazz and blues roots. His honest lyrics reflect a raw reflection on his faith in God, and a candor of his own weaknesses, while embracing a passion to live deep and to suck all the marrow out of life.
"Joel is one of those special people who is able to be many things well. He is a passionate and thoughtful songwriter whose music's story finds a way of telling your story. He is an energetic and connected performer, able to hold the attention of the most diverse of crowds on any given night. He is a poet, reader, thinker, and learner, and strives to grow in his abilities in each while encouraging you to do the same. He is a compassionate servant of Christ, and seeker of truth in all aspects of life, art, and culture." - Chad Cronin, Youth Pastor, South Lansing Christian Church, MI