Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Serendipity, a Surprise Beginning

I'm not a morning person. I really want to be a morning person someday. It's in the mornings where I recollect my thoughts and, hopefully, my sanity; I try to remember the goings ons of the 24 hours before, and with that, also the deluge of failures and things that I wish I did different. I'm sort of a living illustration of the Fall of Mankind. In the morning I'm as fallen as a human can be, and throughout the day God (in His grace) redeems my day (and me). Mornings were created to be beautiful, but my blaring alarm clock pisses me off. And then alarm clock #2 goes off. And then alarm clock #3 goes off. Yes, I have 3 alarm clocks. As beautiful as mornings are, I suck at them. After my rotation of alarm clock snoozes, I finally manage to shut them off. Then I roll out of bed. I shower. I check email. Nothing exciting. Just life.

Then every once in awhile it will be different. Maybe I'm out for a run early in the morning, and as the sun rises I'm knocked of my wanderings with a sunrise that shudders of the delight of it's Creator. The yellows peel back the haze of the moist morning to show a brief bit of orange, or even periwinkle. Then all of the sudden (or all at once) I'm hit with a revelation that I'm not alone, and that somehow the Hand that made the sunrise made me...and maybe for all I know (who knows) maybe He made that sunrise for me to have this moment to spend with Him

I think I want to take some time to write about "serendipity."

the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for

"The faculty" being the sovereignty of God.
"The phenomenon" being the Love of God.
"The valuable" being life.
"The agreeable" being peace.
& "The 'not sought for'" being [you'll see].

More persistent than my alarm clocks, is the mercy of God. He gives new chances every morning. New starts. Take two's. Do overs. New canvases.

Psalm 92:1-2
It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night

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