"On my bed I remember you;
I think of you through the watches of the night.
Because you are my help,
I sing in the shadow of your wings.
My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me." Psalm 63:6-8
I think the most life changing moments of what little time I've spent on earth are the ones that I spent staring into the dark. The mysterious unkown creaks inside my head, breathing fear the way a race horse gasps for air at full gallop. The times of crying out to the Light through the dark are the times that the Mystery to end all mysteries stomps out the fear, shame and anxiety of the unknown. God, who is the greatest mystery of all knows not only the unknown, but my unknown. For that reason the night is a sanctuary and not so much a battle ground of blood and guts. The "Great Mystery" (Elohim/Yahweh) is the beat of my heart in the night. King David was facinated with the Lord. To gaze upon the beauty of the Lord is all that he wanted. David found refuge in the Lord in the night, and his soul clung to God in the revelation that his Heavenly Father's hand held him tightly.
"Abba, I cling to You for You hold me. To gaze upon You is all that I seek. To seek You, and to see you. You consume my thoughts. Your love is stronger than the terror in the night. Your love is greater than my unknown."
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