Monday, January 02, 2006

The Last Battle...Psalm 63: Part 7

They who seek my life will be destroyed;
they will go down to the depths of the earth.

They will be given over to the sword
and become food for jackals.

But the king will rejoice in God;
all who swear by God's name will praise him,
while the mouths of liars will be silenced. Psalm 63:9-10

Rain. It is raining today like crazy. Literally like crazy. It's as if God's created wonder has cocked its head back in a nasty temper today. As cars weave in and out of Atlanta traffic the sneers of windshield wipers brush back and forth as they seem to agitate the blurring traffic lights and four wheeled steeds jousting each other in a mad rush to get home. Drip. Drip. Drip turns into a breaking vein from door awning to gutter - to front porch - to driveway flood, pushing and charging down residential streets to deluge the main streets through town. Desperation peeks its head around a corner as a child peeks around the corner to see if it's safe to proceed where he's not sure if he's allowed to tread. And so I proceed with finishing meditation on a piece of some of the worlds finest literature, and on some of the world's Creator's most delicate breathings. It's a breathing because it is life and, like a breath, it can be missed if you don't know it's happening, or if you underestimate it. This breath breathes in "O God," it breathes out "You are my God." It breathes in "My soul thirsts," it breathes out "my body longs." It breathes in "I have seen You in the sanctuary," it breathes out "I have beheld Your power and Your glory." It breathes in, "Because Your love is better than life," it breathes out "my lips will glorify You." Like a ticking clock ticking to the beat of a heart every second growing older and older. The pen that scribed it etched, "each man is but a breath." (Psalm 39:11b) Because, like a breath, a man can be missed if you don't pay attention to him. But the point of this psalm, this poem, this ballad and lament, is that the Creator who created ears will hear even the most feeble and weakened voice. Justice will happen because the One worshipped is the one called Faithful and True.

"So come Faithful and True, Redeemer and Prince of Peace...Ruler of the Nations. Come through this soggy winter day, afternoon and evening. I lay my worn heart at Your feet. Breathe on me O Breath of God. For I am but a breath, the world may miss me, but You O God hear. Please hold me close to Your heart so that the beat of my heart may be overpowered by the hard-hitting passion of Your's. You who are not contained by time, let my heart, my life, my everything fall into tempo with Your will. Amen."

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