Friday, February 10, 2006

Purify: Consecration Week Three

I’m starting to realize that the more I’m involved in this process of spiritual purification, the more unholy I am in my humanity. This process of the Christian life isn’t a ritualistic dogma, or a “going through the motions.” This process is a progression that remains more than just a physical offering of appearing spiritual, when in reality I’m just like every other person out there breathing in my humanity and breathing out fragile breathes that twist and turn on the wind made by the insane speed that, like everyone else, I rush through this life. This breathing and twisting, turning and rushing is what I do, because whether I like it or not a breath is what I am too when it all comes down to it.

Lately, I feel like God has been teaching me the passion that He has for me to see Him. He created me for this relationship and has also created the means by which I live in this relationship. In Matthew 5:8 Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” The outstanding thought in this truth of living in relationship with my Creator God, is that when it comes down to it I cannot, on my best day, come to God let alone see Him. I, in myself, am not pure in heart. But in His ultimate love and mercy, the Creator God draws me through my broken humanity, parts the sea of materialism that seems to close in through this culture, and He grabs my heart and draws it in to His heart. That is not the end however. He seemingly has grabbed (and still grabs my heart), shields it close into His heart and holds it, but once it is there close to His heart His desire is to squeeze it. This squeezing (tightening of His grip) on the heart is true love, because in the squeezing I’m finding out that He’s purifying my motives, and not just my motives for life, but my even my motives for chasing after Him day by day.

In 1 Peter 1:16, the apostle Peter echoes Leviticus 11:44-45 when He writes what God is saying even now. Through our business and rushing and numbness in routine, the Triune God speaks into our humanity saying, “Be holy because I am holy.” With this statement churches have structured entire doctrines around holiness in the Christian life, what it looks like, and how it should be lived and guide your life. I think, however, as incredible as this stream of Christian life is, and how it has contributed immensely to the character of the Bride throughout the world, the important thing to see in this Scripture is the truth of how God talks to us. My friend Billy Humphrey once said, “When God gives us a command it’s an indicator into His heart.” For example: He says, “Love one another.” Why? Because He is love. He commands us against sexual impurity because He is pure, He is pure in His love and in every way towards His Bride. In the same way, He tells us “Be holy.” Why? Because He is holy. The whole point of this Scripture isn’t to lay a crushing command on the new Christian (or the most mature Christian for that matter). The point of this Scripture is unity. The whole point of purity is so that we may fellowship with God more intimately, more deeply, and more abandoned in the love that we have in and through Him. Psalm 24 asks, “Who can ascend the hill of the Lord?” and answers back “the one with a pure heart and clean hands.” Complete and utter transparency and purity in the innermost is what our Creator wants from us.

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