Friday, August 24, 2007

Coming Storm: Experiments in Abandon Part 4

Tonight I watched a storm come in. I had just been spending time with Abba, and I was walking past the window when I saw the clouds growing dark. For a mountain boy such as myself, a storm coming in is a spiritual experience...and especially when that boy hasn't been to the mountains in a while. As the clouds started to pick up speed and lightening started to flare, I stared hard into the clouds and for a minute or two I was able to drown the cars passing by out of my imagination with a thousand memories of the cool breeze and the groaning of creation stirring to let loose its sermon. The sermon being (of course) that there is a coming storm, and even now we can see the stirring. Whether the rain breaks forth during my earthly breath is yet to be determined, but the truth is that there is significant groaning from Ohio, to Peru, to Mexico and it's not going to stop. Jesus (Yeshua) is coming back. Things are going to get crazy. And while we see the storm coming and lightening flashing, the question is not: "will it rain?" rather the question is: "when will the rain come."

This storm is the purpose of not only these experiments in abandon, but really, it's the whole gist of the way I'm spending my life. Abandon is not for the sake of asceticism, but for the sake of a Call, a Kingdom, a King and a life that is worth living. Yeshua is life. He is God incarnate. He is coming back. For this reason I have chosen to follow Him and continually long for Him to change me from being an average (often spoiled) American bred white kid, and to consume me with His fiery love so that all that's left is all Him and as little me as possible.

So, swirl clouds up above
Atmosphere groan
Clouds burst forth
At the cry of the dry ground

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