I'm hungry for God, and to see Him made manifest through my life.
I'm an introvert. I love people, but too much interaction tires me out and leaves me comatose...or at least grumpy.
I am forever in search of simplicity. However, to avoid having to explain it to people, I call it "efficiency," or some other 'cover.'
And I want to be a part of a Body that will lay down their lives to be Jesus followers. Not Jesus fans. Fans die out when it's not popular. Jesus wants followers. (We see an example of this in John 6:60-71)
Maybe it's time for a contemplative series.
I think I'll call it "The Red Pill." When on vacation, I stayed up late one night watching The Matrix - a true classic. The red pill, of course refers to when the character Morpheus was challenging the hero, Neo, to his destined adventure, when he said, "This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes." We're created for another world, not one of cyber-friendships, technological clutter, and self-seeking religion (self-righteousness). While I realize that this all seems very Wendell Berry-ish, I'm not trying to be anti-technology (after all, I'm typing on a computer and posting it to the world-wide-web, where it will be suspended in word oblivion to be read by a few wandering and probably bored strangers). The fact of it is that we humans just seem to habitually crave the fleeting over the eternal out of convenience, or laziness...or maybe fear.
I believe in this moment Jesus Christ invites us, "Come follow Me..." The moment is now.
Let's take the red pill.