Monday, February 18, 2013

Quantifying the correct qualitative

Some thoughts regarding how we measure things in church health and growth.

God didn't create human doings, He created human beings.

How many are actually being discipled, and living lives of Up (not just Sunday morning, but a rhythm of life), In (in actual community with one another), and Out (not just as short-term missions people, but as a regular rhythm to life)? It's not just about seats filled, but who are filling the seats. Are they: Habitual worshippers, un-satisfied church hoppers, church floaters (from one campus to another)...or...the Lost finding a home, those hungry to follow hard after Jesus, those willing to re-imagine how to radically follow Jesus in the midst of a individualist western church culture that has tamed the Lion of Judah in their imaginations to live in a zoo on their book shelves? Jesus is alive and well (glad to say) and ready to radically change our lives into an amazing adventure; and for that reason, all the above mentioned need to be connected to the Body - the former just need a reminder of what Christianity is all about: Christ and following Him.

Also, let's not let the focus on the 'now' make us lose sight of the future. This is about a new world for the next generation. This is about children growing up in a world where it is normal for there to be spiritual disciplines to be practiced in the home (prayer, fasting, worship, solitude and silence, study and memorization of the word, etc). Where life is about compassion and mercy, helping others, forgiveness, and obedience in doing what the Holy Spirit leads us to do. Where life is done in community, not solo.

 Just some thoughts. I am optimistic for how Jesus is purifying His Body in this hour. Exciting stuff.

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